Tuesday, 4 February 2014

How to change context root to / in Tomcat 7

Here's my problem, I have a new project going which will be deployed as http://www.all-about-units.com/en. It's a site for general facts and info about units. It's a Java web application running on a Tomcat 7 servlet container. It is automatically deployed to the context root "Unitconversion" since that is the name of the WAR-file when it is uploaded via the admin ui.
That means I will access it as


I want it to be deployed as context root "/" so that the URL becomes this in production


My Tomcat 7 is running on a Linux Mint server but I guess these instructions are the same regardless of operating system. Here's how I managed to get it working.

First I uploaded my new web application in the Tomcat manager admin GUI. We got something like this now.

Now, if you inspect the file system you should have your app deployed at  /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps.

johan@johanhtpc /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps $ ll
total 31040
drwxrwxr-x  5 tomcat7 tomcat7     4096 feb  4 20:22 .
drwxr-xr-x  6 root    root        4096 dec 18 19:25 ..
drwxr-xr-x  3 root    root        4096 dec 18 19:25 ROOT
drwxr-xr-x 10 tomcat7 tomcat7     4096 feb  4 20:22 Unitconversion
-rw-r--r--  1 tomcat7 tomcat7 23617897 feb  4 20:22 Unitconversion.war
drwxr-xr-x  8 tomcat7 tomcat7     4096 dec 28 12:44 WeatherStationServer
-rw-r--r--  1 tomcat7 tomcat7  8140647 dec 28 12:44 WeatherStationServer.war

The hacky way now would be to change the ROOT application with my new code, a simple overwrite with my web app. But that doesn't smell so good...

So what you do is that you edit


and add these lines inside the <Host> element. Change "Unitconversion" to your application name.

<Context path="" docBase="Unitconversion">
   <!-- Default set of monitored resources -->
<Context path="ROOT" docBase="ROOT">
   <!-- Default set of monitored resources -->

This will make the default root application appear under context root "/ROOT".
Restart Tomcat to make changes take place.

sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat7 restart

And now the app is accessible at "/" and at the old context root "Unitconversion" as well. This is also seen in the GUI if you refresh the manager.


  1. The problem with this approach is that your application will run both on "/" and on "/Unitconversion". Is there a way to prevent that, other than manually stopping the "/Unitconversion" application in the manager?

    1. Tried this approach but it's not working for me the 1st time I deploy the app. If I restart the server then it works correctly..I'm using Tomact 7.0.56...any idea where I'm going wrong??

  2. run both on "/" and on "/Unitconversion"...

  3. Thanks a LOT!!

  4. It worked for Tomcat 8 with java 8

    1. Tried this approach but it's not working for me the 1st time I deploy the app. If I restart the server then it works correctly..I'm using Tomact 7.0.56...any idea where I'm going wrong??
