Tuesday 28 January 2014

Java 8 in Eclipse

Have you tried out Java 8 yet? The official release is not until March 2014 but there have been a set of release candidates to play with. It is actually very easy to get up and running.
  1. Download a JDK 8 snapshot from https://jdk8.java.net/ and install it.
  2. Install a version of Eclipse that can handle Java 8 syntax. I downloaded Eclipse Luna 4.4 from http://downloads.efxclipse.org/eclipse-java8/2013-05-19/.
To get started, create a new project in Eclipse and make sure you have chosen the Java 8 JRE.

Here's a class that uses a lambda expression to instantiate the functional interface PowerCalculator. A functional interface is an interface with only one abstract method.

public class TestClass {

    interface PowerCalculator {
        int pow(int n, int exponent);

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final PowerCalculator calc = (int n, final int exponent) -> {
            return (int) Math.pow(n, exponent);
        int product = calc.pow(3, 4);
This outputs the expected "81".

That was maybe not very cool, but when looking into the more functional style of programming you can do with lambda expressions, this is the most interesting Java upgrade since Java 5 in my opinion.
I wrote an article in 2012 on FP in Java http://macgyverdev.blogspot.se/2012/10/functional-programming-in-java.html and took a quick look now again to see whether the original spec still is valid.

Here is a few examples I tried on the Collections framework. There has been changes since the 2012 draft. For example is the stream() interface added, previously you could do a filter() directly on the collection. The stream interface allows for parallel execution and

public class TestClass {

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
     List<Animal> animals = Arrays.asList(new Animal(10), new Animal(20), new Animal(30), new Animal(40));
     // Each animal eats another calorie
     animals.forEach(a -> a.eat(1));
     // Print animal
     animals.forEach(a -> a.print());
     // Print only the animals which have more than 30 calories
            .filter(a -> a.nutrition() > 30)
            .forEach(a -> a.print());
     // Calculate total sum of all animals calories
     int sum = animals.stream()
                      .mapToInt(a -> a.nutrition())

class Animal {
 private int calories = 0;
 public Animal(int calories) {
  this.calories = calories;
 public void eat(int calories) {
  this.calories += calories;

 public void print() {
  System.out.println("Calories: " + calories);

 public int nutrition() {
  return calories;

The Eclipse support in Luna 4.4 is pretty good. But when using the command completition it is not obvious what the different lamda expression consumers expect. I guess once you have played around with it some more you get accustomed to the Predicate and Consumer APIs.